Systems and Structures Health Management
The mission of the Systems and Structures Health Management Technical Group is to develop new methodologies and technologies to manage the life cycle of systems and structures. This includes the full range of material state awareness, health and usage monitoring, and condition based maintenance, to support both autonomic and conventional operations with logistics informed by reliable useful life prediction. The underlying goal of the group is to maximize safety, minimize life cycle cost and increase capablity. Key areas being investigated inclue: senor systems, signal processing, pattern recognition, reasoning techniques, and modeling of damage progression to failure.
Research Topics
- Nonlinear dynamics in water and mechanical failure
- Approximate reasoning and data fusion
- Bearing failure simulation and modeling
- Improved sensors for failure precursor detection
- Advanced materials for failure reporting
- Modeling to relate failure mechanisms to observables
- Gear system dynamic failure modeling
- Active interrogation techniques for fault detection
- Signal processing techniques for failure precursor detection and classification