Photo of Gordon Warn

Gordon Warn



  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

225 ECoRE Building


Research Areas:

Structural Engineering and Mechanics





Journal Articles

  • Maximilian E Ororbia and Gordon P Warn, 2021, "Design synthesis through a Markov Decision Process and reinforcement learning framework", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering}, 22, (2), pp. 10
  • Vaclav Hasik, Jaskanwal P.S. Chhabra, Gordon P Warn and Melissa M. Bilec, 2018, "Review of approaches for integrating loss estimation and life cycle assessment to assess the impacts of seismic building damage and repair", Engineering Structures, 175, pp. 123-137
  • Amir Manafpour, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Aleksandra Radlinska, Farshad Rajabipour and Gordon P Warn, 2018, "Stochastic analysis and time-based modeling of concrete bridge deck deterioration", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23, (9), pp. 04018066
  • Mehmet Unal, Gordon P Warn and Timothy W Simpson, 2017, "Quantifying the Shape of Pareto Fronts During Multi-Objective Trade Space Exploration", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 140, (2)
  • Mehmet Unal, Simon W Miller, Jaskanwal P.S. Chhabra, Gordon P Warn, Michael A Yukish and Timothy W Simpson, 2017, "A Sequential Decision Process for the System-Level Design of Structural Frames,”", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, (56), pp. 991-1011
  • Mehmet Unal and Gordon P Warn, 2017, "A Set-Based Approach to Support Decision-making on the Restoration of Infrastructure Networks,”", Earthquake Spectra, 33, (2), pp. 781-801
  • Mehmet Unal, Gordon P Warn and Timothy W Simpson, 2016, "Quantifying tradeoffs to reduce the dimensionality of complex design optimization problems and expedite trade space exploration", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54, (2), pp. 233-248
  • Pu Deng and Gordon P Warn, 2016, "Modeling the compression stiffness degradation in circular elastomeric bearings due to fatigue", ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142, (1)
  • Amir Manafpour, Travis Hopper, Farshad Rajabipour, Aleksandra Radlinska, Gordon P Warn, Parisa Shokouhi, Denis Morian and Shervin Jahangirnejad, 2016, "Field investigation of in-service performance of concrete bridge decks in Pennsylvania,”", 2577, pp. 01586809
  • Xing Han and Gordon P Warn, 2015, "A mechanistic model for simulating critical load behavior in elastomeric bearings", 142, (1), pp. 04015057
  • N. Krishnappa, M. Bruneau and Gordon P Warn, 2014, "Weak-axis Behavior of Wide Flange Columns Subjected to Blast", ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
  • M. Unal and Gordon P Warn, 2013, "Optimal cost-effective topology of column bearings for reducing vertical acceleration demands in multi-story base-isolated buildings", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41, (1)
  • S. Liu*, Gordon P Warn and J. W. Berman, 2013, "Estimating natural periods of steel plate shear wall frames", ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 139, (1), pp. 574-583
  • X. Han*, C. A. Kelleher, Gordon P Warn and T. Wagener, 2013, "Identification of the controlling mechanism for predicting critical loads in elastomeric bearings", ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
  • B. *Vu, M. *Unal, Gordon P Warn and A. M. Memari, 2013, "A distributed flexibility and damping strategy to control vertical accelerations in base-isolated buildings", Structural Control and Health Monitoring
  • J. Weisman and Gordon P Warn, 2012, "Stability of Elastomeric and Lead-Rubber Seismic Isolation Bearings", Journal of Structural Engineering, 138, (2), pp. 215-223
  • Gordon P Warn and K. L. Ryan, 2012, "A Review of Seismic Isolation: Historical Development and Research Needs", Buildings, 2, (3), pp. 300-325
  • S. Liu and Gordon P Warn, 2012, "Seismic Performance and Sensitivity of Floor Isolation Systems in Steel Plate Shear Wall Structures", Engineering Structures, 42, pp. 115-126
  • Gordon P Warn and J. Weisman, 2011, "Parametric Finite Element Investigation of the Critical Load Capacity of Elastomeric Strip Bearings", Engineering Structures, 33, (12), pp. 3509-3515
  • Gordon P Warn and A. J. Aref, 2010, "Sustained-Load and Fatigue Performance of a Hybrid FRP-Concrete Bridge Deck System", Journal of Composites for Construction, 14, (6), pp. 856-864
  • Gordon P Warn and M. Bruneau, 2009, "Blast Resistance of Steel Plate Shear Walls Designed for Seismic Loading", Journal of Structural Engineering, 135, (10), pp. 1222-1230
  • Gordon P Warn and A. S. Whitaker, 2008, "Vertical Earthquake Loads on Seismic Isolation Systems in Bridges", Journal of Structural Engineering, 134, (11), pp. 1696-1704
  • Mariyam Amir, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou and Gordon P Warn, , "A general and consistent hysteric beam finite element model", Computers and Structures

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Center for Acoustics and Vibration performs basic and applied research in vibration and acoustics, supports graduate education, and transfers technology to U.S. industry and government. The center includes faculty, graduate students, and staff in laboratories throughout the College of Engineering and at the Applied Research Lab. These laboratories perform both disciplinary and cross-disciplinary research in areas related to acoustics and vibration.

Center for Acoustics and Vibrations

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802